Event Detailseite

29th International Polar Conference

2024-09-20 - 23:59:59
Mesnerhaus Rauris
Kirchweg 3
AT - 5661 - Rauris
  • Conference

[ABSTRACT SUBMISSION] deadline expired [REGISTRATION] [Second Circular (pdf download)]

The 29th International Polar Conference will be held under the motto

Dynamic Poles and High Mountain Environments

The 29th International Polar Conference "Dynamic Poles and High Mountain Environments" is set to take place at the Mesnerhaus in Rauris, Austria, from 16 to 20 September 2024. Co-organized by the German Society of Polar Research and the Austrian Polar Research Institute (APRI), this transdisciplinary event will feature scientific talks, an extensive poster session, and will offer ample space for intensive discussions for polar and high mountain enthusiasts. Among the highlights will be a series of short presentations by early career researchers on their latest research findings as part of the German Research Foundation (DFG) priority program "Antarctic Research with Comparative Investigations in Arctic Ice Areas”, a prestigious public evening lecture, and a workshop by the "Association of Polar Early Career Scientists”. The conference concludes with an exciting excursion program, featuring a scientific visit to Sonnblick, exploring "Climate History, the Development of Glaciers, and Gold Mining." Join us for a week of insightful exchanges in the heart of the Austrian Alps.

Conference contributions and Abstracts

Conference contributions (talk or poster) can be submitted according to the thematic priorities given below. The abstract has to be submitted as Word file. Please use the template for publication in Reports on Polar and Marine Research (Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung). Name the file according to "surname-firstname.docx", in order to ensure a correct assignment. Add a number in case you intend to submit more than one abstract. Please follow the instructions below:

  • Maximum length: one page;
  • The Abstract must not contain any table or figure;
  • Preserve the format predefined in the Word file: delete the remarks printed in blue color, overwrite the title using normal capital and small characters (the formatting will be applied automatically), overwrite author names, affiliations, and abstract text.
  • When inserting text by copy and paste, use the "Paste Special" function (paste as unformatted text, in the English version of Word "Paste - Paste Special - Unformatted Text").

The deadline for the abstract submission is expired.

Thematic priorities

  • Atmospheric, sea-ice, and ocean system dynamics
  • Biology and biogeography in polar environments
  • Permafrost in a warming world: impacts and consequences
  • Mass balance and evolution of glacier systems in a changing climate
  • Physical processes of glaciers and ice sheets in their environment
  • Polar Earth Sciences: from orogeny to glaciation
  • Past climate crises
  • The Anthropocene and climate change in polar and mountain regions
  • Snow as an interdisciplinary field of research (Waalem Polar Cluster)
  • History and future of international cooperation in polar regions
  • People, infrastructures and more-than-humans in the environment
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration of social sciences and natural sciences
  • Collaborative, transdisciplinary and decolonial research methods for co-creating knowledges in the Arctic
  • Cool Classes - Polar Educators Germany
  • DFG priority program 1158 Antarctic Research: Report Colloquium

Important Dates | Program

  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: 14 June 2024
  • Deadline for contributions to the photo contest: 30 June 2024
  • Registration: 31 July 2024
  • ECS Workshop (APECS/APRI): 15 September 2024 (from 5 p.m.)
  • Conference program (oral and poster sessions): 16 to 19 September 2024
  • Welcome reception: 16 September 2024 (evening)
  • Side meetings
    • DGP Working Groups: 17 and 19 September 2024
    • Waalem Polar Cluster "Snow": 17 September 2023 (late noon)
    • Public evening lecture: 17  September 2024
  • Conference Dinner: 18 September 2024
  • Excursions: 20 September 2024

Registration | Fees

Registration is to be done using this online form. Registration deadline is 31 July 2024. The following fees will be due upon registration:

Fee DGP members
no DGP membership
Registration fee (normal) € 50.00 € 100.00
Registration fee (reduced) (Bachelor / Master / PhD students, early-career scientists up to five years after PhD) € 30.00 € 60.00
Conference dinner € 40.00


Conference Dinner

You are cordially invited to join the conference dinner on 18 September 2024. The costs are € 40, one drink included. The participation in the conference dinner can be indicated while doing the registration. The costs are added to your overall fee to be paid.


The following excursions will be offered on 20 September 2024:

E1 From Sonnblick to the Arctic: Science hike with the topics gold mining, climate and glacier history, research at the Sonnblick observatory, from Sonnblick to the international polar research.
Duration: 20 September 2024, whole day
Fee: € 50

E2 Vanishing ice: Excursion to Austria’s largest glacier, the Pasterze, with the topics glacier and climate history and the results of recent interdisciplinary research at Austria’s largest glacier
Duration: 20 September 2024, whole day
Fee: € 50

E3 Kings of the skies: guided tour along the Kruml valley, with explanations on the vulture project which is funded by the WWF
Duration: 20 September 2024, half day
Fee: € 10


The payment of the registration fee can be made in two ways: (a) by bank transfer – which is the preferred method of payment, and (b) by credit card. Please be aware that for credit card payment an additional fee of € 3 will be charged.

Bank transfer has to be made to the account of the German Society of Polar Research. Please do not forget to state the reference "Polartagung 2024" which is indispensable to correctly assign your payment.

Recipient of payment:          Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung
IBAN:                                        DE15 2501 0030 0001 4943 06
BIC:                                           PBNKDEFFXXX
Bank:                                        Postbank Hannover
Reference:                               Polartagung 2024

For credit card payments Visa or Mastercard are accepted. However, we cannot offer an online credit card payment. Therefore, please use this credit card form which can be filled in digitally (and is also offered for download during the registration process). Please sign the form and send it to the treasurer of the DGP, Dr. Mirko Scheinert (scan the form and email it to Mirko.Scheinert@tu-dresden.de).

Pre-Conference ECS Workshop (APECS/APRI Workshop)

Have you ever wondered what it takes to get a job in Polar Science? Then join our workshop at the 29. International Polar Conference!
APECS Germany and the APRI Early Career Scientists are hosting a workshop for Early Career Scientists (ECS) to kick-off the 29th International Polar Conference and to provide a first networking opportunity. On Sunday, 15th September 2024, we will meet at 5 p.m. at the conference venue for an active workshop on “How do I get my first or next job in Polar Science?”.  After the workshop, it is planned to have dinner together.
The registration for this workshop is free of charge and will be asked for when filling in the registration form for the conference.


Awards | Poster and Photo Contest

The DGP will award prizes to the three best poster presentations as well as for the winners of the photo contest.

Best Poster Presentations: € 300, € 200 and € 100
Polar Photo Contest: € 150, € 100 and € 50

The deadline for submissions to the photo contest is 30 June 2024. Read here the details of the call for the photo contest.

Equality policies including child care

Support in terms of equality policies will be provided, especially for child care during the conference. Please contact the local organizing committee (email see below).


Mesnerhaus Rauris, Kirchweg 3, 5661 Rauris (Austria)
For the travel to Rauris please see the information provided at the website of the Tourismusverband Rauris.
If you will travel by train, please use the station Taxenbach which is the closest one to Rauris. When filling in the registration form, please indicate whether you would like to use a shared taxi for the journey from Taxenbach to Rauris. Depending on the feedback, the use of shared taxis will be coordinated.


In the following hotels a room contingent has been allocated. Please make your reservation by yourself stating the booking code “Polarforscher”. (If there is not any special field for the booking code, use another field as e.g. “remarks” (Anmerkungen)).

Hotel Platzwirt
Marktstraße 32, 5661 Rauris
Reservation: https://www.platzwirt.at/anfragen
Deadline: open

Hotel Alpina
Marktstraße 4, 5661 Rauris
Reservation: https://www.hotel-alpina-rauris.at/service/online-buchung/
Deadline: 30 June 2024

Hotel Rauriserhof
Marktstraße 6, 5661 Rauris
Reservation: https://www.rauriserhof.at/en/booking#/date
Deadline: 30 June 2024

For further accommodation, please see the information provided by the Tourismusverband Rauris.


In case of questions please contact us at polartagung2024@polarforschung.de.