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Date(s) - 25/03/2018 - 29/03/2018

University of Rostock, Institute of Physics


The German Society for Polar Research invites you to the 27th International Polar Conference to be held at the University of Rostock, Germany, to discuss changes in the cold regions and resulting consequences.

In the following, current information are available.


Oral and poster presentations of the 27th International Polart Conference will be taken place at University Rostock, Südstadt-Campus (Albert-Einstein-Straße 22-24). The following overview maps are available:

Overview map Rostock Universität Rostock – Südstadt-Campus Conference Dinner

All three maps can be downloaded here as PDF file.


The preliminary schedule of the conference is as follows:

25 March 2018 3 p.m. APECS Workshop
25 March 2018 from 5 p.m. Registration
25 March 2018 from 6 p.m. Icebreaker Reception
26 March 2018 from 8 p.m. Registration
26-29 March 2018 Sessions (oral and poster presentations)
26. March 2018 7:30 p.m. Public evening lecture by Prof. Antje Boetius (Director, Alfred Wegener Institute)
27 March 2018 7 p.m. Conference Dinner
29 March 2018 DGP member’s assembly
30 March 2018 Excursions

The colloquium of the DFG Priority Program (SPP) 1158 „Antarctic Research“ will be part of the scientific program.
You may download the following PDF files of the program:

The conference proceedings are published as volume 716/2018 of the „Reports on Polar and Marine Research“ and can be downloaded here. Each participant of the conference will obtain one hardcopy of the proceedings.

The program of the 27 International Polar Conference is supported by Reederei F. Laeisz GmbH and Störtebeker Braumanufaktur GmbH.


Oral and poster presentations

ORAL PRESENTATIONS: You may use PowerPoint or PDF files. The beamer has a resolution of 1920×1200 pixel (format 16:10). Thus, all presentation formats are possible. With respect to PowerPoint this refers to the formats „standard“ (4:3) and „widescreen“ (16:9), but you may also directly choose 16:10.

POSTER should be printed in format DIN A0 Portrait.
The posters will be introduced in a special session. For this, please prepare a short introduction of not longer than one minute (without any slide).

Conference language

Conference language is English (however, single presentations may be given in German).

Poster award and Photo Contest

The best poster presentations will be awarded a prize of € 300, € 200 and € 100, respectively.

The winners of the photo contest will be awarded a prize of € 150, € 100 and € 50, respectively. The detailed call of the photo contest can be downloaded here. The selected photos will be displayed during the conference, beginning with the Icebreaker Reception. Deadline for the photo contest: 01 March 2018.

Registration fee

The registration fee includes the complete catering, namely all lunch and coffee breaks (Monday to Thursday), Icebreaker Reception (Sunday evening) and Social Dinner (Tuesday evening).

regular fee € 180
reduced fee € 90

Please pay the registration fee as soon as possible if not already done.
The reduced registration fee applies to Bachelor, Master and PhD students.
The payment of the registration fee can be made in two ways, by bank transfer (preferred method of payment) or by credit card. Please be aware that for credit card payment an additional fee of  € 3 will be charged.
Further information on the payment (especially the bank transfer) is given in the 2nd Circular. The Credit Card Payment Form is available for download here.

Please be informed that a confirmation of the paid registration fee will be handed out on site, together with other conference material.

Application for travel support

Limited funding is available to support master and PhD students to attend the 27th International Polar Conference. Please use this pdf form for the application. The filled-in form should be sent to the treasurer of the DGP either by snail mail or by email ( Deadline is 01 March 2018.

Child care

Please communicate your demand for on-site child care to the organisators of the conference ( by 01 March 2018 latest.


Discounted rates have been arranged with the hotels given below. Please make the reservation by yourself giving the keyword Polarforschung. Please pay attention to the respective deadline to reserve a room at the discounted rate.

Intercity Hotel Rostock, Herweghstraße 51, 18055 Rostock

Phone: +49 381 4950 0, Email:
Pre-reservation by 22 Feb 2018, keyword „Polarforschung“
Single / Double Room: € 62.00 € / € 89.50 per room/night incl. breakfast
Cancellation: until 7 days before arrival without any fees, less than 7 days before arrival: 90%

Motel One Rostock, Schröderplatz 2, 18057 Rostock

Phone: +49 381 66 69 19 0, Email:
Pre-reservation by 25 Feb 2018
Single / Double Room: € 59.00 / € 74.00 per room/night without breakfast.
Breakfast € 9.50 per person.
Please make the reservation by filling in the Motel One Reservation Form and fax it directly to the hotel.
Cancellation: until 14 days before arrival without any fees

Ibis Hotel Rostock, Warnowufer 42/43, 18057 Rostock

Phone: +49 381 242210, Email:
Pre-reservation by 28 Feb 2018, keyword „Polarforschung“
Single / Double Room: € 61.00 € / € 61.00 per room/night incl. breakfast

Hotel Sportforum, Kopernikusstr. 17A, 18057 Rostock

Phone: +49 381 1288480, Email:
Pre-reservation by 01 Feb 2018, keyword „Polarforschung“
Single / Double Room: € 58.00 € / € 76.00 per room/night incl. breakfast
Cancellation: until 3 days before arrival without any fees

Hotel Citymaxx Rostock, Petridamm 1a, 18146 Rostock

Phone: +49 381 666 55 70, Email:
Pre-reservation by 10 Mar 2018, keyword „Polarforschung“
Single / Double Room: € 45.00 € / € 55.00 per room/night without breakfast
Breakfast: € 8.00 per person


Two full-time excursions are offered on Friday, 30 March 2018. Transport from/to Rostock in combination with a guided tour will be organized. Costs are 35 € per person.

Excursion 1: Visit of the spectacular Ozeaneums in the history Hanseatic City of Stralsund.

Excursion 2: Visit of the world famous Chalks Cliff at the Island of Rügen – National Park Centre „Königstuhl“



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